September 2005 Articles


These are condensed versions of the Radio Program



There’s a change A-Comin’ in the world of central air conditioning! This change in efficiency requirements will eventually have an impact on every homeowner who has central air conditioning! Here’s what’s happening.

We measure efficiency in cooling equipment using SEER ratings. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratings could be compared to miles per gallon of gasoline. The current minimum efficiency standard set by the government is 10 SEER. Beginning on January 26, 2005, central air conditioning manufacturers will have to produce a minimum of 13 SEER equipment.

That’s a whopping 30% increase over current models.

Can you imagine the effect it’d have on the economy if the government forced auto manufacturers to suddenly be increase mileage by almost one-third? It would wreak havoc on the entire industry and affect everyone who drives a car. That is exactly what’s happening in our industry and that’s why we’re trying to make people aware. The new equipment will cost more to make, store, ship, install, and work on. These costs will be passed from the manufacturer to the distributor, who will pass it on to dealers like us, who will have to pass it on to consumers. Currently, units rated 10 to 12 SEER make up 86% of the market with 13 SEER and higher making up only 14%. Makers can produce less than 13 SEER equipment until the January date, but when they are gone, they are gone. Bottom line: Soon, central air conditioning is going to go up! It may go up a great deal.

If it’s anywhere near time to replace your equipment, please give us a call-NOW! Before these changes take place. Change your filters and call us at 635-3452. You’ll see more on this from us in weeks to come.



We’ve been learning about the new government regulations on air conditioner efficiency and the effect it will have on the average consumer. To recap…in January, the minimum efficiency for central air conditioning will rise by 30%, from 10 SEER to 13 SEER. SEER stands for “Season Energy Efficiency Rating”, and is comparable to “Miles Per Gallon” in vehicle fuel efficiency measurement. While the reasoning for the increase in the standard is well-intentioned, it will bring an extra burden to the pocketbooks of all central heat and air conditioning owners. The percentage of the overall market that uses 10,11,and 12 SEER is 86%! The equipment under 13 SEER can be produced until January 26,2006. When those run out, only 13 SEER and above will be available.

In brief, 13 SEER-plus equipment is larger (because the principal way to increase efficiency is to increase the size of the coil). Larger equipment means more in materials,(which are going up everyday anyway due to overseas demands), it also means more warehouse space, more trucks for delivery, more manpower to handle the equipment, etc. All these lead to one simple, inevitable fact. The cost of central air conditioning is going to increase. That’s the down side. On the upside, the upgrade in efficiency will also translate into a great deal of energy savings for consumers. Here at Quality Service, we have been selling higher SEER rated equipment for a long time. We’ve been helping our customers get the most value for their heating and cooling dollar for years. If we can help you, or if you have any questions, please call us at 635-3452 or visit us on the web @



Although it’s been pretty warm for late September, we all know that heating season is upon us. Already this year, prices on heating fuel are rising at a rapid rate. With the additional problems caused by Hurricane Katrina, this heating season could see price hikes like never before.

In our area, Memphis Light, Gas and Water is telling customers to get ready for about a 70% increase in natural gas rates, and the LP (Propane) costs are going to go way up also. Locally, it’s been said that electric rates will rise about 7%. That’s what is making this the “Year of the Heat Pump”. Electricity is going to be less costly for heating than any type of gas. Heat pumps are the MOST EFFICIENT way to heat your home. WHY?

Simply stated, a heat pump is so efficient because it doesn’t have to make heat and then distribute it throughout the house. It captures heat from outside and brings it into the house. The heat is free and the pump just gets it and brings it in. Picture, if you will, a window air conditioner installed backwards. A regular furnace has to make the heat. That costs a lot. If heat pumps pull in the heat, why do they need a “back-up” heat source? Even in our generally warm climate, there are cold enough days when the heat available outside is not enough to satisfy the thermostat setting inside. Example:

If it’s 20 degrees outside, there will not be enough heat to make it 74 degrees inside. For a short time, the heat pump needs some help. The auxiliary heat source, (electric or even gas) then kicks in for a time and helps the heat pump catch up. Many people are checking into the TVA Heat Pump Program for some long-term pricing and great interest rates. If you’d like more info, please call us at 635-3452. Change your filters!  



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