November 2006 Articles

These are condensed versions of the Radio Program


Ask Mike 11/22/06

Today is F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) day!

Let’s get started with this one. Should we close off the vents in rooms we don’t use much? It’s better NOT to in most cases. The equipment needs to inhale and exhale equal amounts of air. Plus, if you let one room get real cold, the inside wall then becomes like an outside wall-and the inside wall was not built to protect from the cold like an exterior wall. You may save a little by closing them off, but you risk harm to equipment and letting coldness get into the conditioned space.

How often do I need to change my filters? Our favorite question! The regular blue fiberglass filters need to be changed at LEAST every 30 days! Remember, by the time they look dirty, it’s too late. They are already NOT protecting your equipment like they should. If you use “permanent” filters they should be cleaned just as often. There are some types that can be replaced every 60-90 days. Those are the thicker “media” or paper filters, and those instructions should be on the package.

Should I cover my air conditioner during the winter?

You can…but it’s certainly NOT necessary. If you have a packaged system (furnace AND a/c outside), you CANNOT cover it! The same goes for a heat pump. These units are designed, built, and painted to withstand the weather, and sometimes the rain can help keep the coils clean. If you have just a condensing unit outside, you could cover that if you wanted to, but again, it’s certainly not necessary. If you have a question for “Ask Mike” please call us at 635-3452 or visit us on the Internet at Have a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to “Change your Filters!!!”


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