July 2006 Articles |
These are condensed versions of the Radio Program
Today, we are going to look at The TVA Heat Pump Financing Program. We mention it on our radio show a lot and when we talk about financing options with our customers. TVA is the Tennessee Valley Authority and any qualified customer in this region is eligible for the program. Everybody in this area is a TVA customer. Whether you are a customer of Ripley Power and Light, Forked Deer, Southwest, Gibson Electric, or whomever, TVA supplies their electricity. In the program, TVA will finance for individuals the cost of equipment and installation of a qualified heat pump. Heat pumps are very efficient and will save a lot of energy when heating. They mostly move heat from outside to inside instead of creating the heat and then moving it. When they operate in air conditioning mode, they work like any other air conditioner and are as efficient as other air conditioners of the same SEER ratings. TVA will loan the money at a very reasonable rate for up to 10 years. The payment will be attached to the utility bill for convenience. Quite often, customers find themselves saving more in operation costs than the price of the payment. Yes, many times the utility bill goes down even with the payment figured in. It doesn’t happen in every case, but the savings are dramatic and the heat pump will pay for itself sooner rather than later. If you have any questions about the TVA program, please call us at 635-3452. We can put you in touch with the right person at your power company and help the savings begin! Visit us at www.qualityservice.com. And of course…don’t forget to change your filters! If you have a question for “Ask Mike” please get it to us at 635-3452, and watch for your answer here.
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